Elderly man named, Aslam, 65, who married his friend’s wife in ‘Halala Nikkah’ has refused to divorce the woman.

According to details Siddique and his (ex) wife Samia Bibi who have 3 children from their marriage, Siddique had divorced his wife Samia after a dispute.
Just after 5 months of divorce Siddqiue and Samia Bibi resolved their dispute and wanted to reconcile, but it was decided that the woman would marry to another man (that is called Halala) before they rejoin together.
Siddqiue told his friend Asalm about the matter, Aslam agreed to marry his (ex) wife in “Halala Nikkah” and that after Halala Niakkah he will hand over the woman to him after divorce.
Now 65 years old Aslam refused
The case is in court Tonsa DG Khan, (victim) woman Samia Bibi who told media that she married Aslam only for Halala (It involves a female divorcee marrying someone else, consummating the marriage and then getting a divorce in order to make it allowable to remarry her previous husband.)
She told, she wants to get back to her first husband, father of her 3 children Siddique. The police have began investigating the matter.
Question: Man Divorce his Wife, Man Wants to get back that Woman, Woman is asked to “Sleep” with another man for ‘Halala’. WHY ?
Some Molana Hazrat Says, Its the punishment for a man, so that he learns lesson and do not divorce his wife again, Question why a woman is sent to sleep with another man for the punishment given to his husband ?