Noor Hussain, 75, a Pakistani immigrant allegedly beat his wife to death with a stick for making him the wrong dinner in New York.

He told cops he began beating his wife 66-year-old Nazar Hussain, in their Brooklyn apartment because she refused to cook the meal.
He demanded that she make goat for dinner. She said, ‘No, I made gram,’ a traditional Pakistani lentil dish. Court heard, “He had told her, he wanted a particular type of meat for dinner, goat meat, and she refused. So he took up
Hussein admitted beating his wife but said that in his home country, beating your wife is customary. The brutal and vicious assault consisted of several blows to the head with a weapon that was solid enough to split her head open.
Noor Hussein attacked his wife as she lay in her bed, leaving deep lacerations on her head, arms and shoulders, and causing her brain to hemorrhage. He beat her with a stick that the family had found in the street and used to stir their laundry in a washtub.
Noor Hussain, was sentenced to 18 years to life behind bars for the brutal bashing of Nazar Hussain at their apartment in New York.